Start Your Career in Real Estate in 6 Steps


If you are just starting out or looking to transition into a fast-paced, rewarding career path, have you considered becoming a real estate agent? Real estate agents assist individuals and families find the perfect home and/or sell their current house. To become a real estate agent, one must follow a specific path in order to meet all of the required certifications and licensing.

Step 1: Understand the Requirements in Your State

Each state in the United States of America has different rules and regulations for becoming a licensed real estate agent. In order to get started on your new career, reach out to the Tennessee Real Estate Commission to learn more about the necessary steps for licensing.

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Everything Homebuyers Need to Know and More About the TRID Changes

Did you know that on October 3rd, 2015, the closing process will significantly change for the first time in many years? The TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) rules will go into effect on October 3rd, and drastically change the mortgage disclosure experience.


Here at PARKS, we want our homebuyers to be fully informed and aware of the changes taking place as these changes may affect your current home buying process.

Why The Change?

Some homeowners and home buying prospects might tell you that the mortgage disclosure and closing process is a bit complicated. The new changes, also known as the “Know Before You Own” rule, is being put into place to make the entire process…

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5 Tips for Making Your New Home Safe and Kid Friendly

Moving into a brand new home is a thrilling time for you and your family. Upon moving into your new home, all your children will want to do is run around, find their new room, and explore their new living space. However, one of the first thoughts on your mind will be, “How can I make this new home safe for my children?”


Follow these guidelines from PARKS to ensure that your new home is kid friendly and safe.

1) Lay Down the Law

There is a significant chance that your new home has a completely different floor plan and layout than your previous house. Naturally, your children will want to explore the new space. These adventures can potentially lead your children somewhere dangerous such as…

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6 Home Maintenance Tasks for September

Guess what? The autumn weather is on its way! Whether you’re a fan of the crisp fall weather or not, the season is almost upon us. The changing of the seasons means it’s once again time to take care of your Middle Tennessee home. Remember to schedule time between football games and the last of the backyard barbecues for these September home maintenance tasks.

Start Saving on Your Monthly Energy Bills

For some, the introduction of colder weather signals the switch to indoor heating. While it may be all too tempting to turn on your heating system during September, it’s in your best interest to put on a sweatshirt instead. The switch from cool air to warm air requires your HVAC system to work harder. If you’re…

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Tips for Hosting a Fun, Flawless Labor Day Party

Labor Day is a public holiday in the United States of America honoring the American labor movement and contributions our workers have made to the well-being and strength of our country as a whole. This holiday is celebrated annually on the first Monday of each September.


Labor Day Weekend is just around the corner. In fact, it’s this weekend. If you’re hosting a party for friends, families, coworkers, and neighbors at any point this weekend, be sure to use these party planning tips to your advantage.


Invite Your Guests Ahead of Time

Some of us have flexible schedules while others need to adhere to a strict daily timeline. In order to give your guests enough time to rearrange their schedules…

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