Home improvement projects can feel daunting, and more than anything; time-consuming. However, setting aside even just one weekend can bring major improvements to your home. It’s amazing how much progress can be made in such a short period of time. Have an open weekend, or even just more free hours strung together than usual? Think about digging in and knocking off something on the “would be nice” list for your home!

For those that don’t even know where to start on that list, we’ve put together three weekend warrior projects that can take anywhere from just a few hours to a full 48 depending on how far you want to take. (P.S. Already nervous? We start with the easiest and go from there!)

Hardware Isn’t Hard

Hardware is something that often isn’t thought about, but is absolutely everywhere in the most important rooms of a home. Hardware in a home, by default, is typically the factory design that came with the cabinets, drawers, etc., but hidden in those knobs and handles is the possibility to encompass your own personal style and touch.

The fun part of this project is deciding what look you want to go for, and seeking out that perfect option. Hardware can be found everywhere from ACE and antique stores, to etsy, Home Depot, and local boutique stores. Word of the wise, though, make sure to look online when you know what style you’d like, hardware is notoriously cheaper online.

The biggest trick here (and trust us, this still doesn’t take much of a handy man’s talents) is to measure the distance between the holes that are already set for your hardware. This will prevent you from having to fill in and make new holes to screw in your new choice of hardware. (Always an option, but certainly more of a project).

Have additional time and funds? Keep the upgrades coming with updating faucets and shower heads.

Better Bathroom

The beauty of a bathroom when it comes to upgrading is that there’s only so much space. Factor in the larger features (tub, floor, sink, etc.) and there aren’t too many elements that are left. Without needing any major-skills-needed-type-of-work, you can completely overhaul your bathroom.

While most of the true “work” for a weekend bathroom overhaul will be deciding exactly what you want your new look to be, here are things to think about and that can be easily changed out:

  • Shower curtain (and don’t forget to think about the rings)
  • Bath mat, or floor coverings – maybe you need to let that tile shine and do-away with the extra large bath mat or rug!
  • Faucet – never underestimate how much a simple faucet changes the look of a room
  • The mirror – have you ever thought about either framing the mirror you do have or replacing with a different shape or size? What about a medicine cabinet mirror?
  • Storage. The beauty of storage in a bathroom is that you do NOT have to see as much anymore. Bathrooms look better without 20 bottles and toothbrushes sitting out.


This project is perfect for someone who has a little time or there in the weeks leading up to pick out the new features and buy the necessary supplies. Then, when Saturday comes around its go-time!

Grand Entrance

For the very focal point of the exterior, the front door doesn’t get enough love … or even thought, when it comes to upgrades and renovations. The good news? For a relatively low key project, you can give your home a huge facelift and quite the new “grand entrance”.

To start, repainting the door and trim is surprisingly transformative. Start with taping paint chips on the front door to narrow your selection down to two or three. Once you’ve narrowed your choices, it may be a good idea to even paint small sample sections to see what it would truly look like.

Depending on the condition your door is in and how long lasting you are expecting the results, there are different steps that are recommended. For a beginner’s guide, check out HGTV’s step-by-step and for a more comprehensive and advanced method we recommend Home Repair Tutor’s rundown.

Sunday and feeling like you still have a little left in you? The fun part about the front door is that you can extend that DIY, weekend warrior moment in any direction you choose. Think about doing a little yard grooming on the way up to your front door, or posting fresh house numbers next to the door.

Posted by Parks Compass on


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