5 Tips for Making Your New Home Safe and Kid Friendly
Moving into a brand new home is a thrilling time for you and your family. Upon moving into your new home, all your children will want to do is run around, find their new room, and explore their new living space. However, one of the first thoughts on your mind will be, “How can I make this new home safe for my children?”
Follow these guidelines from PARKS to ensure that your new home is kid friendly and safe.
1) Lay Down the Law
There is a significant chance that your new home has a completely different floor plan and layout than your previous house. Naturally, your children will want to explore the new space. These adventures can potentially lead your children somewhere dangerous such as an attic, the electricity, HVAC system, and other areas.
During the first few days in your new home, show your children which areas are out of bounds. Explain to them why they are not allowed in these areas and the consequences that will arise if they are found there. Remember, these rules are in place for your child’s safety so don’t feel bad implementing them!
2) Keep All Valuables Hidden and Far Out of Reach
From tiny, swallowable jewelry to dangerous tools, you need to keep all valuables and harmful items far out of your child’s reach. Make sure your new home is furnished with sturdy shelving that can hold and retain all of your items, whether valuable or dangerous. You can also leave these items in rooms and areas that you have clearly marked as “out of bounds” for your kids.
This rule also applies to hazardous materials such as certain cleaning supplies, bleach, motor oil, alcohol, specific medicines, and more. If you keep these items in an open area, consider buying a safe with a strong lock to keep your children and store these materials properly.
3) Use Safe Furniture Choices
As much as that sharp, jagged decoration for your living room might look absolutely stunning, it’s definitely not your smartest choice when it comes to having a kid friendly home. Instead, opt for softer materials, rounded corners, and install the furniture bumpers where applicable.
If you do your research, you can find furniture options that are both stylish and safe for your home — especially for a nursery or child’s room.
4) Install Trusted Baby Gates
When your child is around the crawling/walking stages of their life, you need to install trusted and sturdy baby gates around stairs or other areas of your new home. The last thing you want is to deal with an injury and a new home at the same time.
You can use these gates as an added safety component to your home until you are confident that your children are capable of navigating the stairs properly and carefully.
5) Avoid Glass Out In the Open
From picture frames, to furniture, to kitchen ware, glass is everywhere in a home. A curious child may find these items and decide to play with them or discover what they are, only for the glass item to come crashing down and cause an accident.
Avoid this situation at all costs by keeping glass items far out of reach. Try opting for different decor styles, specifically ones that cannot pose a threat to your child.
What other safety tips would you add for a kid friendly house?
Posted by Parks Compass on
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