This is not a time of year typically associated with a lot of home sales, but real estate experts advise that owners can actually tap this unique market. All it takes is a different type of prep work and a positive attitude.
While highlighting bright, sunny days coupled with warm weather and green grass can seem like the best way to market a home, some industry insiders actually prefer to market a home in winter, according to the Realty Times. Homes tend to be more brightly lit, and - in certain cases - even festively decorated in a way that makes a listing look a lot more "home-y" in photos and videos, as well as in person.
Everyone is motivated
Another huge benefit that comes with putting a home up for sale in the winter is the interest of getting a deal done as quickly and easily as possible. Owners who decide to sell in the winter are typically those who either have to get their homes on and off the market quickly (for instance, if they have to move for work) or have had the property up for sale for a few months and want to strike a deal as soon as possible.
In either case, veteran real estate professionals will often advise that buyers at this time of year are likewise motivated to move in quickly. They, too, might need to move for job-related reasons, and want to do so when there's less competition from other buyers or hope to relocate while prices are still below what they might expect to see a few months down the line.
What to keep in mind
It's worth noting that homeowners have a serious part to play in making sure their properties are fully up to code and ready for the sales process. Any issues that arise could hold up what would otherwise often be a quick and easy sales process, according to U.S. News & World Report. That point goes beyond simply making sure a home is ready for a photo or video shoot and involves ensure all home systems (heating and cooling, hot water heaters, etc.) are in good working order.
When mishaps arise with those home systems, they can lead to backups because of how busy the associated repair professionals are at this time of year. Therefore, getting systems tested before the home is put up for sale is usually a great idea.
Likewise, it's usually smart for owners to invest in a home warranty ahead of a sale to make sure that if something does go wrong for those systems, they'll have some financial protection and added peace of mind. That can be a huge benefit for buyers as well, and highlighting that protection might be an extra selling point at this time of year.
It's also important for owners to remember that the more limited number of shoppers seen on the market at this time of year means that they might need to be a little more flexible in how they conceive of the sales process. Some would-be homeowners may be perfectly willing to buy, but then the holiday season gets in the way, delaying the sale. Others might want to get the sales process wrapped up as quickly as possible, and consider closing in just two or three weeks. If owners are prepared for anything in this regard, it places them in a better position and situation that works for everyone.
Hosting an open house
Because of how tight anyone's schedule can be at this time of year - especially for parents - another thing that might seem like an issue in winter is that there are fewer open houses. While that might seem like a hurdle because it might limit the number of potential visitors, it can actually present a significant opportunity because it allows owners to put their best foot forward, according to The Balance.
However, that fact also means they need to make sure their homes are 100 percent ready for an open house. At this time of year, that effort usually starts with two different types of curb appeal. First, it's important to keep a yard in the best shape possible, even if there's a blanket of snow on it. Clearing out sticks and dead leaves can go a long way here, as can a little tasteful holiday decoration, where it's appropriate.
The other aspect of curb appeal is making sure all paths are safe for people to walk on. Clearing snow, ice, and puddles from driveways and walkways, as well as the sidewalks in front of their homes, will help sellers and their guests avoid any potential accidents and also show that sellers are conscientious about attending to their property.
Because agents stress the importance of having as many lights turned on as possible during an open house, homeowners might have to do a little more cleaning than usual because light should be falling on as many corners of every room as possible. That point, in turn, means it's important to clear out and dust from every square inch of space.
Issues to avoid
Once open houses have been held and bids are starting to come in, keep a positive mental attitude, according to It can be easy to worry about getting a sale done in short order or a good price for a home, but at this time of year, sellers' agents will have more time to devote to their sale in particular and make sure everything goes as well as it possibly can.
At some point, the finer details of a sale are out of owners' hands, and rather than getting worked up about things they can't control, it's usually a better idea to let agents do their jobs. That thinking can help sellers relax and enjoy the season for what it is: an opportunity to spend time with their families.
Brought to you by Cinch Home Services.  An industry leader with over 30 years of creating success for clients and providing peace of mind for customers. 
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