I just joined Pinterest because I felt internal pressure to participate in this odd phenomenon known as “pinning”. I actually had to read the Wikipedia page so I could gain a basic understanding of Pinterest (yeah, I admit it).
Do you know what happened? I totally didn’t get it.
It took me a week to grasp the idea of Pinterest as a repository of photos and collections of things people like. My mom said it to me this way: it’s an online version of all those magazines and recipes and samples in the corner of your bonus room that have been gathering dust because you haven’t figured out where to put them. Ah. So it’s like online scrapbooking. Ok, that gives me something to work with. It’s funny how social media can be difficult to described – it has to be experienced.
In opening my mind to something new, I realized I was opening my mind to inspiration. I no longer have to go upstairs and sneeze through the dust, digging through photos or that pile of magazines with the sticky-notes on it gathering dust under my desk at home. Admittedly, I spent two hours looking through interesting boards, and I discovered that I was actually being motivated to start up new projects and finish old ones. Gone are the days I have to keep a junk drawer or magazine clippings I swore I would file. Not only do I get to keep my own online junk drawer of inspiration, but I get to peek into other people’s junk drawers! And there are some fabulously creative people out there.
This inspiration led me to a wealth of ideas (some I borrowed and some I own) for current and future homeowners. From do-it-yourself projects to house warming gifts to how to select a realtor that is right for you, I found myself inspired to think out of my own box and pin some inspiration.
I hope you’ll check out the refreshed version of the Bob Parks Realty board and let me know what you think.
*Big sigh* – I formally apologize to Pinterest for not “getting you” initially and being closed minded to something that over 30 million users enjoy on a daily basis. Thank you for dusting off my inspiration!
Posted by Parks Compass on
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