Whether you’re moving into your new home for the first time, or have become stuck in a rut in the home you’ve loved for years, the Taoist practice of feng shui has recommendations for creating the perfect home interior. Feng shui originated before 960 B.C. and has been upheld as a valuable practice in Taoist homes ever since.
Feng shui is a metaphysical system by which one may understand their place in the world. By looking to nature, Taoist originators determined that fire, earth, metal, water, and wood were the elements that must be balanced to achieve ideal harmony in any space or situation.
If this all seems challenging, never fear; feng shui can be used to bring harmony to your home in six simple steps. The following recommendations will give you just a sample of the wisdom we can glean from using feng shui principles throughout our homes.
1.) Your Front Door: The Mouth of Qi
In feng shui, your front door is the representation of how well your home receives energy. This makes your front door the “mouth of qi,” making it a perfect starting place for creating great feng shui throughout your home.
The stronger, cleaner, and more well-maintained your front door, the better your home will be able to allow good energy to enter. But how can you know if your front door has strong feng shui?
Your door should have pleasing proportions when compared to your home. It should open and swing freely; the hardware must be sturdy and easy to use and be painted in a color you find beautiful. Ensure that your door is well-lit and easily accessible.
When these goals are accomplished, your front door will inspire visitors, invite admiration, and command respect.
2.) Windows: Your Eyes, Your Child’s Voice
In a feng shui home, windows are thought to represent the voice of your children and the eyes of all adults within. Therefore, feng shui guidelines recommend frequent cleaning. When clean, sunlight enters unhindered, inviting natural energy to help you start your day.
Sunlight will sparkle through your home, both highlighting the beauty of your favorite objects and showing you where dusting and cleaning should be done. View your home with nature’s purest clarity, color, and honesty. Then, invite the sun’s example to help you do the same in other areas of your life.
3.) Interior Doors: Communication, and Portals for Opportunity
The doors throughout your home are thought to represent your ability to communicate with your voice. They are also your portals to invite good opportunities into your life. Therefore, in the practice of feng shui, one devotes energy to each door in turn.
Are all your doors working properly? Your doors should not squeak, creak, or stick. Doorknobs should not be loose, catch in their movements, or fail to latch when doors are closed.
Open your doors. They should all be able to open to a full 90 degrees. When clutter, furniture, or storage boxes prevent this free movement, you will be prevented from accessing all the opportunities heading your way.
4.) The Kitchen: Health and Wealth
Throughout the world, the kitchen is beloved as the heart of one’s home. In feng shui, this idea is further conceptualized by believing the kitchen to promote both health and wealth for the family and visitors alike. Given the central importance of both health and wealth, feng shui recommends taking great care of one’s kitchen.
Decorate your kitchen with harmonizing colors that bring energy and movement to your routine. Keep your kitchen as clean as possible and banish clutter. Pay attention to the details that make your day easier or more difficult and cherish or correct them accordingly.
5.) Create Space to Allow Room for Opportunity
In the Western world, we have associated feng shui with getting rid of clutter. However, feng shui recommends creating space in your home, which in turn is thought to create room in your life for good opportunities.
To make your home more spacious, take one small zone at a time. This can be a countertop, dresser drawer, single shelf in the playroom—there are no spaces too small for this task.
Once you have decided where to start, your goal is to identify what you no longer need and let it go. The space left behind is one more open space through which beautiful new opportunities are thought to enter.
Feng shui practitioners are told not to fret when a free space fills up. Life is ephemeral, and so too are the results of a good decluttering. Allow the ebb and flow of clutter to remind you of the movement of the ocean and the moon. Space may fill up, and you may let go of these objects one day, too, creating new open spaces within your home.
6.) Banish Obstacles from Your Home and Your Life
Every morning and evening, your routine takes you through a familiar path through your home. This path is your personal feng shui space. When you are not getting ready for work or bed, walk this path as though you were doing each routine.
Are there physical obstacles in your way? Are there fiddly switches, languishing appliances, or awful light fixtures along the way? These are all obstacles that sap your personal qi. One at a time, tackle removing or remedying them, and your life will feel sweeter and easier.
Feng shui also asks that we practice gratitude for our homes, our families, our opportunities to work, and the warmth and comfort that we return to when we are ready to sleep. We live beautiful lives; feng shui encourages refining and furthering this reality in each facet of our homes.
Posted by Parks Compass on
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