We made it! 2021 really did come after all, and while most of us are rejoicing at the idea of a new start and making this year the best yet, it’s important we plan out how we’ll do that.

Resolutions are highly personal, and everyone has their own take and own ambitions with each one - but to kick everyone off on their own resolution journeys, we’ve pulled together some inspiration of all different kinds:

Think Wellness

No, no, not “lose weight”. Think more specific. Think about what would help you in total - mind, body, and spirit. Is it to find a form of movement that you love and do it more often? Is it to cook more often at home? Is it to simply reach for whole foods instead of packaged ones? Think about how you will feel best overall than cornering yourself in the typical “lose weight” camp! 

Think Finances 

This is another resolution that oftentimes is very broad and initially intense … and then promptly falls off. The ideal situation for financial resolutions is to come up with the how. It can be as small as not buying coffee out, or as all-encompassing as a Dave Ramsey program - as long as you have a true plan you can stick to. If you aren’t necessarily looking to save money, but know you should be more guided in your financial decisions, you could make it a goal to start working with a financial planner throughout the year - it’s never too early to start thinking about long term finances.

Think Books

When is the last time you finished a true, old-fashioned book? It’s shocking how many of us can’t remember the last time we finished a book - and with the number of studies pointing to how important reading is for us -- it might be a good idea to start! Even if it’s just for thirty minutes a day! Don’t know where to start? Lookup lists on Goodreads to find what’s popular in your favorite genre and go from there! The best part about this resolution? It very closely resembles relaxing on the couch … 

Think Community 

It’s so easy to constantly say that you’re going to “get more involved” in your community … and then let the entire year pass without really diving into that thought. Instead, make a plan! Sign up for volunteering that happens the same time each week or month so that it’s already built into your calendar, or set up an automated donation. Whatever it may be, decide and act on the habit, the time, or the money now for the year.

Think New Experiences 

Learning doesn’t stop just because you’re an adult … and neither should experiencing new things. Whether you want to plan for a major new experience that’s been on your bucket list for years, or making a note in your calendar to try something new each month - keep broadening your horizons! What a fun excuse to try that new type of food, go to that new city, or try that new exercise class. It’s all about the (new) experience. 

Think Sustainability 

Why not make this year the one? Start making changes in your home and the way you live for the environment! Choose something that you’ve never incorporated into your lifestyle, and promise yourself you’ll stick with it for the year no matter how it feels at first. This can be as small as avoiding plastic straws at restaurants or bringing your own reusable grocery bags to the store! Composting has also become easier than ever with low-cost local services.

Think Creativity 

To truly “create” something takes planning. Imagine that! Creativity, unless it’s part of your job, seems to be at the end of the list for many adults … but why? Creating something is such a rejuvenating, enjoyable experience - and if creating by writing, painting, digging, anything at all strikes your fancy - make goals around it. Your future self will be so much more fulfilled.

Think Mindfulness

Endless studies have shown how slowing down and creating a practice of mindfulness does wonder for all ages. While it’s intimidating to start a practice, apps like Calm and Headspace make the habit incredibly approachable, and do we dare say, fun?

Think Outdoors

2020 brought more outdoor time for most by default - but 2021 could be the year you’re intentional about outdoor time. Is there a certain set of trails you know you want to hike? Is there a national park that’s been on your list? Even if it’s eating more meals on your back deck - intentional outdoor time can be a habit that you’ll be happy to carry with you year after year.

Think Education

How do you continue to expand your mind? You learn! While there’s the old adage “you learn something new every day”, it’s still important to take deeper dives every now and then into learning. Thankfully now there are truly limitless online options like CourseraUdemy, and Skillshare to dive into any topic you’re curious about! 

Posted by Parks Compass on


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