Sometimes we get so caught up in preparing for winter and the toll it takes on our home, only to months later find ourselves inspired by the excitement of “spring cleaning”. But what happens in between? Well, technically nothing has to happen – but what if you took advantage of the “in between” months to get completely up to date on interior home maintenance? Suddenly you’re ahead of the game.
For your own “Preparing Your Home For Spring” inspiration, we’ve gathered up what we feel are some of the most important things that you can throw some of your elbow grease into, to have your best house come that first warm spring weekend.
Do a Deep Clean
Regular ol’ routine cleaning is one thing, but a true, deep scrub down? Now that’s a whole different story. Take time to use a mild soap to scrub down the walls, baseboards, and outlets of the bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen and living areas. While not at all a must on a regular basis, think of how much grime builds up after a year of using these rooms daily. (Tip: Opt for a chemical free soap option for the healthiest clean and air quality!).
Filters & More Filters
Think of how many filters you have in your house, and how hard it is to keep up with them all. Take a few designated times a year (before major season changes are always an easy time to remember) to check your water and air filters. Don’t forget to check your range hood air filter while you’re at it! Not only does changing filters mean healthier air and water, but changing air filters can reduce the energy it takes to heat and cool your house, as well. A win-win.
Sinks & Faucets
It’s scary to think how little we clean the water sources that are used every single day in our houses. Take time to clean shower heads, sink faucets and sprayers. Best part? No need for anything fancy. Combine equal parts water to vinegar and soak. This can be done by unscrewing the faucets and soaking in a tub, or by tying a plastic bag with the cleaning solution to the faucet or showerhead itself.
Dryer Maintenance
Not only is it gross to have lent stuck in the dryer vent, but also a huge fire hazard! Unplug your dryer, and remove the vent from the back of the machine. Use a dryer vent brush to remove! Easy. (And oh so necessary). Tip: While you’re at – do a quick check on and around your washer for any unexpected dampness, bulges in hoses or cracks in the machine. Better to catch it now, rather than when something gives and disaster strikes!
Declutter (In the Name of Allergies)
Yes, we’re all watching Marie Kondo’s new show, and yes, it’s nice to have a clutter-free home. We can dream. But what about when it affects spring allergies? Now we’re talkin’. With spring allergies just waiting to come out from hiding, do yourself a favor and declutter ahead of time. Having a clutter-free home reduces the amount of dust and other everyday allergens that can get out of control come those spring months. And while on the topic of allergens, do a wipe down on the tops of ceiling fans to get that dust that’s been collecting all winter long.
Test Smoke Alarms
In the name of safety… and having simple routines, test your smoke alarms while prepping for spring. Quick and easy, and also life-saving seems like enough good reasons to us.
Check the Attic & Basement
Before warmer months come around and really heat things up, – do a quick check of your attic. Make sure there doesn’t look to be any sign of mold, insects or other critters. If the answer is yes to any of those, you want the professionals to help you out now rather than when the attic gets hot and is a breeding ground for all things unwanted! Same goes for basements in terms of mold, unwanted moisture, cracks in concrete or tunneling in surrounding wood. Always best to have a professional look sooner rather than later!
Hot Water & Dehumidifier
Before muggy weather revisits, it is certainly worth making sure your dehumidifier is working properly. It’s also a good idea to completely drain your hot water heater twice a year and clear out any deposits on the bottom.
Posted by Parks Compass on
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