For almost a year now I tell the agents who come to my marketing classes that the most-searched items on Google are cats and bacon.Blue Prom Dresses
No one fully understands this phenomenon and what it says about the American public, but we love our bacon and bacon flavored foods while watching funny cats,itcertworld
clumsy cats, angry cats, sarcastic cats – you put a cat in it and we will watch it on YouTube!


Maybe we should provide pounds of bacon and a complimentary kitten with each home purchase or sale?


Yesterday I stumbled upon an app that offers the sizzling sound of bacon and the smell.  I always said it’s only a matter of time until we have electronic equipment with smell, folks.  And it’s happening!  The thought frightens me because I am concerned that smelling doughnuts, hamburgers and French fries is going to cause me to gain weight.  Actually I wonder how many of the restaurants will overhaul their delivery services when “smell-vision” rolls out?


Long term – I think this will have detrimental effects on my derrière.


Ok, I got off topic worrying about my waistline…  Oscar Meyer has created, Wake Up and Smell the Bacon – an app and iphone dongle.



It’s an app that overhauls your alarm on your iphone.  The dongle plugs into the headphone jack and when paired with the accompanied sizzling sounds of the alarm app, it releases the smell of bacon as the alarm sounds.


I’m impressed with the technology but as I was reading the press release from their marketing team, they had me at “baconisms”.  In addition to the alarm image and sizzle sounds, there is a soft soothing voice that speaks baconisms throughout the alarm experience.  “Experience bacon with all your senses”,itcertworld exams
she says,  “bacon exceeds everything you ever imagined.”

Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 1.21.41 PM

To increase the hype and exclusivity, they are not making them for sale. A limited number will be produced and fans will have to take a quiz for a chance to win one of these coveted apps/dongles.

I’m amused.  Does this have any staying power?  I doubt it. Cisco 400-101 dumps
But it tops out on the creative meter and gets me thinking about all endless number of cool things you can do with today’s technology, Sexy Prom Dresses
smart phones, and now, a scented dongle.


The contest runs through April 4, if you’re interested…

Posted by Parks Compass on
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