With Memorial Day almost here– giving way to the fast approaching summer – homeowners are encouraged to make preparations were necessary to ensure their homes are ready for the hot weather.

Here are five tips to make sure your home and family will be in the best shape possible:

1) A/C Check and Maintenance

Whether your home has a central air conditioning system or window units you’ll install when the weather gets a little hotter, you have to make sure they’re in good shape, according to Insurance Hub. After all, if they’re going to get dozens of hours of use every week for the next several months, having them in good working condition is a must not just so they work properly, but also so they’re safe.

You’ll also need to check and potentially replace the air filters on all units.

2) Clean Your Fans Thoroughly

Along similar lines, if your home has ceiling or box fans you plan to use, you’ll need to clean the blades carefully. That’s because lots of dust builds up on them if they’re not used throughout the fall and winter, and it can make them run less efficiently and propel dust around a home. That’s not just a pain to clean, but lots of dust particles can also be a health risk if there’s enough of it lying around.

3) Check the Attic and Basement

Spring is a time when a lot of moisture can build up in a short period, thanks to the rain, condensation, and so on. That can really do a number on your roof, foundation or both, so you’ll need to carefully inspect these spaces for any sign of dampness. This may point to a bigger issue you’ll need to fix, but that kind of check is vital to make sure problems don’t get worse over the course of the summer.

4) Maintain Your Yard and the Tools It Needs

A big part of summer is tending to your lawn, garden, trees and so on, and you’ll need to make sure you know how to properly care for all of them, according to Liberty Mutual. Of course, in addition to the know-how, you also have to have the right equipment, whether that’s a freshly tuned-up lawnmower or gardening tools. If, after a long winter, they need to be cleaned, sharpened or otherwise better maintained, now is the time to do it.

5) Keep Gutters Clear

While April showers have already given way to May flowers, you’re certainly not out of the woods yet when it comes to heavy spring and summer rains. While you likely cleared out the gutters already, once winter came to an end, giving them another check well after spring has sprung is always a good idea. This can help you identify potential issues, including leaks in the gutters or downspouts, that make the systems less effective than they otherwise should be.

Brought to you by HMS Home Warranty. HMS is an industry leader with over 30 years of creating success for clients and providing peace of mind for customers. To learn more, visit www.hmsnational.com

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