We’ve all seen the posts about how this Halloween is a full moon, a Saturday, and daylight savings - an ultimate setup for THE Halloween. The only thing? COVID. Fear not though (well, aside from Halloween spookiness); Halloween can never be canceled! While large group gatherings may not be able to happen, and things may not look the same - Halloween is and should, absolutely be celebrated! Here are a few activities (ranging for little ones to adults ) that we’re looking to try this Halloween season:

Spider Web Walk 

By creating a spider web (or part of one) with painters tape in your home, you’re essentially creating a Halloween themed playground on the floor that your little ones can play on all season long! How? Take painters tape and create the spider web on the floor. Then, create a clear start and finish (with a prize at the end!), where a child has to stay on the spider web, or they have to start over. For slightly older kids, make it harder! You can throw in all sorts of obstacles, as explained by “No Time for Flashcards”.

Halloween Sensory Bin

Sensory Bins have become all-the-rage for toddlers these days, as they are a child-led exploratory activity where, for the most part, kids get to do what they want with the activity! Oftentimes sensory bins are all about finding, sorting, counting, etc. In this Halloween themed sensory bin, black plastic spiders are hidden in orange rice and toddlers use tongs to get the spiders! Check out the how-to by “Busy Toddler” for all the set-up details. (We promise, it’s easy!)

Eyeball Search

For slightly older kids that need to be worn out a little, try a spooky “eyeball search”! For this run-and-search game, hide plastic eyeballs (found at any party store around this time of year) all around the yard along with placing googly eyes on trees, plants and other things. Then - let them run! You can play “minute to win it” style where you time kids to see how many they can collect in a minute, or run and search until they are all found! And of course, a little Halloween candy prize at the end is a nice touch!

Trunk or Treat

Whether or not your neighborhood is doing an official trick-or-treat this year, trunk-or-treats are a fun, creative option that you can truly host anywhere, for any age! Have cars set themselves up in a large circle with the trunks all facing in. Then, go from trunk to trunk for treats! The best part? Cars can go all out! Here are some impressive ideas.

Halloween Outdoor Movie

Pick a fall night to invite the neighbors, cozy up on blankets, pass out some Halloween treats (or better yet, have a Halloween “Snack Stand”), and project a favorite Halloween movie onto a white sheet. Such a simple, yet festive thing to do - and inclusive of all ages! 

(Halloween) Bonfire

Nothing says fall like a bonfire and s’mores - and putting a Halloween twist on it only makes things that much better. How do you make a bonfire Halloween style? To start, set the mood by putting on your favorite Halloween playlist. Then, have a s’mores bar set up where you include a few classic Halloween candies to sample in s’mores mode where you essentially replace the Hershey’s chocolate piece with your favorite candy. (Have you tried Reese’s Cup S’mores?!). Pass out some hot apple cider (cocktail part, optional), and you have yourself a cozy bonfire with some Halloween flair! 

Host a Pumpkin Beer Tasting

What a better, simple excuse to get together with friends than trying some of the (crazy number) of pumpkin beers out there! Have everyone bring a couple of different 6-packs of Pumpkin beers and set up flights for everyone. It’s fun to have tasting cards that range from “mouthfeel” to “pumkiny” to feel like it’s a true “tasting” experience.

Posted by Parks Compass on


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