Fun Party Food-Art with Kids

If you’re throwing a party for one of your children, whether for their birthday or another holiday, you’ve undoubtedly given a lot of thought to the party theme, décor, favors, activities, cake design (and flavor), invitations, food, party location, the guest list, and about a million more nitty gritty details.
A quick glance at Pinterest will give you a plethora of suggestions to make any child’s party unforgettable. However, in the interest of maintaining your sanity, we recommend that you don’t try to live up to the perfection that exists only on Pinterest. Focus on keeping it real, and when we say real – we mean real fun!
No child’s party is complete without some fun games, projects or activities for all of the partygoers to participate in. Why not cross two items off your To-Do list simultaneously by making one of the children’s activities to create something they can eat?
Food art for kids is a fantastic party activity – mostly because kids love playing with their food, but rarely are they actually allowed (even encouraged) to do so. In fact, most parents have heard themselves say (at least a handful of times), “Don’t play with your food!”
What follows are some awesome party food crafts that all of your party attendees are sure to go crazy for!
Make your own pizza
Pizza parties have been around forever, so the concept’s not new, but luckily today’s kids still love them! Maybe you’ll decide to go with a traditional Make Your Own Pizza activity, where everyone makes a personal-sized pie with toppings of their choosing. Winter time brings the option of making Snowmen Pizzas. Just divvy up the dough into 3 smaller circles instead of one larger one. Use olives for the eyes, mouth and buttons, and a carrot for his nose!
Hot dog mummies
If you’re throwing an October birthday party or a Halloween party specifically, hot dog mummies are easy and extremely fun for everyone! Simply slice up some biscuit dough into thin slices and wrap them around hot dogs like a mummy’s dressing. Bake them in the oven at 375 for 13-15 minutes. Give them eyes with two dots of ketchup poking out through the dough strips.
Edible petri dish treats
For the little science-lovers, consider placing jello, gummy worms and other gummy critters into shallow plastic containers to create a life-like petri dish that can be examined and then consumed!
Cookie tacos
Party planning around Cinco de Mayo? By cutting some golden Oreo cookies in half and gluing them back together at an angle with melted peanut butter as glue, you’ll have the “shells.” Using chocolate frosting and crushed chocolate Oreos (or other chocolate cookie), you’ll create the “ground taco meat.” Shredded coconut plus green food coloring equals lettuce, and yellow taffy can be flattened to simulate taco cheese. Add just the ends of some Hot Tamales candies for “tomatoes,” and add white icing for sour cream.
Remember, the key to your party food art success is that everyone enjoys themselves. Don’t worry about perfection – strive for laughs and lots of taste testing fun!
Posted by Parks Compass
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