Wondering how you can increase cash flow this year (I mean, honestly, who isn’t?).
Have you considered investing in real estate? It’s not difficult to get started, and the barrier to entry is low!
Here are three reasons you should consider it:
1. You'll have that cash flow you wanted. When you’re the landlord, those rent payments come to you every month -- and that’s a really great feeling.
2. Your property will typically Increase in value. In a few short years, you’ll be able to sell your property for considerably more than you paid for it -- the average annual appreciation ranges from 3-5%.
3. You'll own an improvable asset. With a little elbow grease, you can improve your property, increasing curb appeal, and value.
Add these reasons to the historically-low interest rates floating around, and now is a great time to consider an investment property. Have questions? Send me a message and let’s connect.
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