It’s funny how different the importance of a room in a house can go from one season to the next. Just recently a home office was a “nice to have” but really, unless you were in the minority of those that worked from home, it was truly just a bonus, and typically dependent on if you had the space to dedicate or not. Fast forward to the pandemic era and likely, you’ve been at a “home office” whether you’ve really had one set up or not for months. For those that are working from home but haven’t taken the time to really set up a good home office, now is the time to change that! Here are some of our most important tips for setting up your home workspace:
Location, Location!
In real estate, so many things are about location - and that really doesn’t change for something as simple as picking a place in your home to set up your office. Ideally, you would have a separate room with a door to help with noise and distraction, but if no room is available - have no fear. Just even a single dedicated space with a surface to work on is better than nothing. And a space that’s in a quieter area of the home is ideal. (And if it can be avoided, it’s always a good idea to separate where you work and sleep!)
Whether you have a separate room available or not, it’s important to try and find a space with natural light, and bonus: a view!
Splurge on a chair
If you’re going to be getting a majority of your work done sitting in your office chair, please, do yourself a favor and buy one that is ergonomic (and stylish, of course). This will save your posture, back and potentially make sitting at your desk feel less like … well, sitting at a desk.
Inspire Yourself
It’s your space, where you need to be inspired to do your thing. Take this space as your own little sanctuary to set small things out that inspire you. Knick knacks, special pens, iconic works from your field, momentos of success, whatever helps you feel positive energy for your work.
Make It Green
Bringing plants into the office helps in so many ways. Plants bring great aesthetic, help with air quality, a calming nature, and something to watch grow. Because you have more control over the lighting than you would at a corporate office, you’re much more likely to feel like a green thumb! Also, don’t worry - you won’t need to water it on the weekends!
Think Storage. Think Creatively
Scattered work papers aren’t exactly an addition to your house that you want … and neither is a good ‘ol filing cabinet, so be proactive with storage! Assuming you aren’t working with a ton of space, think about how you can go vertical and horizontal. If you’re thinking of bookshelves, get more shelf space than you think you’ll need so you can keep the bookshelves aesthetically pleasing and not cramped. Think creatively about other ways you can store things, as well, whether it be magazine racks, under desk storage, or storage boxes that (of course) don’t look like storage boxes! Possibly the best tip with storage in a home office? Hide the things you don’t want to look at! It’s your office, you make the rules! (Therefore, that printer? Go ahead and put that in a cabinet.)
Lamp it Up!
Ideally, you’ll be working next to the greatest flood of natural light, but even with that, there will be stormy days and darker hours. Instead of an overhead light, try a desk lamp for a non-glare, warm lamp that makes you feel like you’re at a fancy collegiate library or a warmly-lit hotel lobby.
Create Comfy Space
Yes, you’ll likely be at your desk for your computer most of the time, but what about a place to sit back and read, think, or jot down handwritten notes? Enter: the comfy space of your office. This will look very different depending on the amount of room you have, but ideally, you would have a nice, comfy chair, an ottoman to put your feet up, and a small coffee table to go near. This gives you a luxurious corner to take a break while still moving your work forward! (P.S. Need a nap? It’s your personal office - no one will know!)
Posted by Parks Compass on
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